Sell Out Your Digital Product NOW!

Design a digital product that sells out in 7 days.

A virtual workshop teaching you our step-by-step formula to selling out your digital product so you can finally quit the hustle & chase for higher-paying clients.


You started freelancing and creating content to free yourself from the dreaded 9 to 5 BUT...

You feel like you're working 24/7

You started your creative business to escape working for somebody else, to gain more freedom, and yet, you're working more than you ever have, juggling multiple roles, leaving you with very little time for family, friends, and hobbies other than work.

You're working with certain clients just to cover your bills

You want to ALWAYS be working with your dream clients but they're few and far between and you feel the financial pressure month after month so you say "yes" to low-quality clients even when they undervalue you.

Your revenue each month is unpredictable

You feel uncertain how much money you're bringing in each month. Either you're working with clients that don't pay you what you're worth, your follower count is too small for consistent brand deals, or you're just tired of relying on others to produce revenue.

Uh oh,

When you realize you can't be a freelancer or content creator forever...

...okay but what's the solution?

I'm getting there. Hang with me.

You have a few solutions to choose from:

1. You can get a J.O.B. - I'm going to take a wild guess and say you might be trying to leave your job or a situation you're currently unfulfilled in. A job can pay your bills and help fund your business but at some point, it's going to hold you back, and you'll have to take that scary leap.

2. You can create an agency or production company - Okay dope! But this is similar to freelancing starting out. Yes, it's a scalable model but it takes a LONG time to get to that point and you're still fulfilling client workload.

3. You can get into real estate - Awesome! So do I...but it takes A LOT of money to be profitable. And takes a LONG time to build.

4. You can start a physical product-based business - Sick! But takes a ton of cash to buy inventory, and time to design the product. It's messy! And a massive headache dealing with manufacturing.

Or you can...

sell a digital product.

Here's an insane thought:


What if you didn't have to rely on client work or social media algorithms to make money, but instead got paid for the content YOU want to create while still having a life?


Sound too good to be true? Unless you're a "Karen..."


Selling a digital product is the most PROFITABLE model to building a life-changing revenue stream that will support your desired END GOAL, no matter what.


Here's why:

Eliminates the hamster wheel

Eliminate the need to always be "on the clock" in order for your creative business to produce revenue. No more "constant doing" with little to no progress to show for it. Trading your time for your dollars is OVER.

Shatters your financial ceiling

A digital product is the most profitable, scalable model to having ZERO limitations on how much money you make. Not even client work, sponsorships, real estate, or physical products can do that.

Creates more certainty

Let me be super clear, there is no such thing as certainty in life. Even with a 9 to 5 job, we are not guaranteed tomorrow. BUT, by knowing how to properly sell a digital product you can create more financial certainty every single month. What if you knew the EXACT amount of revenue you would bring in next month? Sounds nice to me.

Grows your audience

Not only will your digital product grow your audience by reaching new people, but it will finally give you time to focus on growing your personal brand organically. SO many people make the mistake of WAITING to grow their audience to sell their product. It's actually the other way around. Your product grows your audience.

Attracts higher quality clients

Your digital product will attract a very specific person with a very specific problem. That person is much more likely to be a 1:1 client than any random cold call or email. You don't have to eliminate client work at all. Especially if that's your desired end goal, use your digital product to ATTRACT those potential clients into your universe.

Allows you to say more "No's"

There is so much freedom in the word "No." With cash flow from your digital product, you will be able to pick and choose who you work with and say "No" to the things that you may have been doing just for a paycheck, and simply live life on YOUR TERMS.

"Your digital product is like your 24/7 workhorse doing all the heavy lifting so you can do more of the things you love."

"All of this sounds great!

...but you're just trying to sell me!"

This is about the time where you might be saying, “Yeah Zack, but you're trying to sell me on your own product. Of course, you're making this sound easy. WRONG.

I never said this was going to be easy. Nothing in life worth having is ever an easy, linear path. But selling a digital product is simple. You've either been taught in a way that made it difficult or you simply "think" it's going to be difficult. The way I approach digital products is the way I approach the game of golf. Just hit fairways and greens. Even Tiger Woods, the greatest golfer of all time, knows to keep things simple because when you do...fewer things go wrong 😉

And let's be completely honest here, of course, I am selling you on this workshop. Just like you, I charge for my services too and you'll be doing the same when you release your own digital product. If you can't invest in YOU why would somebody else?

But here's the deal: whether you invest in this workshop or not, everything I've said on this sales page is still the TRUTH.

Here are the 3 main objections that discourage creators away from digital products...

1."Selling digital products is scammy & sales-y 🤮"

Do I sound super scammy & sales-y to you? Maybe you've been burned by a course or product in the past but there will always be those that try to take advantage of people, unfortunately. That's with any industry. But YOU get to decide which approach you take. We take an authentic approach by throwing the traditional sales playbook out the window and use some f*ckin' personality to sell our SH*T! Sorry for the language (I'm not that sorry) but here's my point, we'll teach you how to sell authentically with integrity. Selling can feel icky but it doesn't have to be. We want you to feel good. Period.

2."I don't have a big enough audience 😢"

I get it. I really do. I don't have a big audience either. Never have. But we create hundreds of thousands of dollars in digital product sales every year. Why? Because we make great products and our audience isn't the only pool of people we sell to. You need to think BIGGER. You have an internet connection, right? How the heck are you reading this then? There are 4.72 billion people online and at least 5 million people have a problem that YOU can solve. That's 5 million potential customers. DO THE MATH!

3."It's way too saturated to get into 😓"

"Everyone is doing it." Boohoo!! You sound so whiny when you say that. It's always the easiest excuse but I understand why people say it. Digital products have never been cheaper & easier to sell, which means there's A LOT of people doing it. But here's the reality...most people quit. They give it a shot and don't get the result they were hoping for and then they stop trying. The best part about selling ditial products is that there are thousands of niches, styles, personalities, and problems that you can dive into that easily separates you from the competition. 


Ready to eliminate the hamster wheel?

...but how do I get started?

Here's what we're going to do.

Our easy step-by-step formula is going to simplify the process!


Start with the end in mind.

Digital products don't have to be your end goal. They totally can be or they can support your current business. We need to find out WHY you want to sell a digital product so you can reverse engineer the type of product, the perfect price point, and how it will fit into your business.


Design a product that solves a specific problem for a specific person.

Have you ever bought a product that promises your dream life in 6 weeks and they don't say a word about how they're going to do it? Probably not. People like specificity. They like to buy from an expert. We're going to come up with what that problem is, and how you can position yourself as the expert. People want to feel like they're in good hands and your product was made just for them.


Prove your product will sell before wasting time creating something nobody buys.

The biggest mistake creators make is spending months creating a product not knowing if people ACTUALLY want it! We take the opposite approach. We sell it before we make it so we get paid upfront instead of working for free "hoping" to make some money. Hope in business is a losing formula.


Launch your product & sell it out in 7 days or less.

Sounds sexy, doesn't it? We're going to teach you how to create MOMENTUM going into your first day of open-cart. The type of content that sells and the strategies to create huge demand & desire making your product a no-brainer.

Here's what's waiting for you inside:

Easy to follow training modules that wastes ZERO time.

Training #1

Millionaire Vision

  • Understand the power of a digital product and EVERYTHING they can do for you to get closer to your desired END GOAL

  • Learn the different models you can choose from so the way you sell is in alignment with your strengths

  • Start designing a product path that creates the least amount of resistance for your future customer giving you 10x more leads and sales

  • Learn how to generate a product idea that gets you and your future customers excited and start creating the most important thing in your launch...momentum

  • Discover the unlimited amount of digital products you can sell, how to make them work together, so you can focus on producing more sales instead of always creating new products

Training #2

The Bulletproof Offer

  • How to get people to ACTUALLY care about the product you're putting together because realistically, they don't

  • Master 5 core ingredients to creating an irresistible offer your future customers feel stupid saying "no" to

  • Learn how to create higher valued products so you can charge more putting more money in your pocket while over-delivering for your customer

  • Not everyone is going to be an easy "yes", so you're going to learn how to make your product a no-brainer and convert those that say "I'm on the fence" to "f*ck yes's"

  • Discover how to become more credible and trustworthy so your future customers see you less as a risk and more of an ASSET

Training #3

"Sorry We're Sold Out"

  • Spending months creating a product nobody buys is the absolute WORST feeling. Instead, you'll be learning the EXACT strategies to prove your product will sell before wasting time creating a product that people don't want or need

  • Build up demand & desire for your product creating easy sales even with little to no audience to currently sell to

  • How to create high converting content that sells without coming off scammy, sales-y, and looking like a know-it-all

  • Learn how to create a buying environment for your customer so they feel the urge to purchase and not play the waiting game

  • Master stupidly easy sales pages that are short, sweet, but powerful in selling your product (ours takes less than hour to create)

Launch Lab is the perfect toolkit guiding you through your next launch making it so simple it becomes fun.


One digital product can change your entire business

- Edward Lee

- Natalya Z.

- Enrico Incarnati



A virtual workshop teaching you our step-by-step formula to selling out your digital product so you can finally quit the hustle & chase for higher-paying clients or your money back!

Here's everything you get when you join:


"Millionaire Vision" Training (value $97)

"The Bulletproof Offer" Training (value $197)

"Sorry We're Sold Out" Training (value $197)

Recorded Q&A Session with Zack (value $197)

BONUS #1: Tech Tour (value $97)

BONUS #2: Pitch Your Product Template (value $97)


Total Value = $882


Today's Price = $27




We hate unhappy money. If you are not satisfied with Launch Lab, you have 30 days after your purchase date to submit your refund to my support team at [email protected]. Heck! I'll even let you keep the slides & templates! Which means yes, you could totally rip me off here!

And because overdelivering is our motto here's 3 more goodies for you...

Designed to speed up the process so you get money in your pocket ASAP


Detailed Tech Tour

Instead of figuring out how to organize your customers, and create a waitlist of buyers on your own, learn the exact software & processes 7-8 figure entrepreneurs use right now.


Pitch Your Product Template

Ever wanted to know how to create a high-end training that's professional but more importantly, gives your customer results? I created my EXACT template for putting together a high-impact presentation that will "wow" your customer, give them results, and sell your product.


Recorded Q&A Session with Zack

You'll be given access to a LIVE Q&A that was recorded with our founding members of Launch Lab! We talk about topics such as: what product to create in an already saturated market, the process for finding your dream customer, the best social media platforms to sell on, getting your audience to engage with your content, and more!

Digital products have changed my life, now I want to change yours.

Hey, I'm Zack!

3 years ago, I was traveling the world, working with more than enough clients, making over $100,000 as a freelance videographer & photographer.

Sounds pretty damn good, doesn't it? It totally was but it didn't last long.

I hit my breaking point...

I was beyond exhausted and stuck in a hamster wheel of traveling, shooting, and editing.

I was always "ON," bouncing around task to task, and client to client.

The problem was when I needed to make more money, I had to start the process all over again.

My business required more of my effort to produce more revenue. This is the biggest trap for all content creators and freelancers whether you have realized it or not.

It wasn't until I sold my first digital product in 2018, a filmmaking course, that generated $11,200 in revenue in its first launch, where I finally felt freedom for the first time. So cliche sounding I know but it's the truth.

I had created my first leveraged offer that was able to work for me 24/7 so I could finally spend LESS time networking and working with clients that I didn't enjoy working with and MORE time doing things I loved that didn't just involve making money!

Ya see, when you create more free time during your day, you have more time to create more revenue, and get back to doing the things you love besides work.

Which is exactly why only 8 digital product launches later, my team and I are producing close to $100k in revenue PER LAUNCH.

This is the power of a digital product.

Digital products have changed my life, and I've made it my mission to teach you how to change yours.



A virtual workshop teaching you our step-by-step formula to selling out your digital product so you can finally quit the hustle & chase for higher-paying clients or your money back!

Here's everything you get when you join:


"Millionaire Vision" Training (value $97)

"The Bulletproof Offer" Training (value $197)

"Sorry We're Sold Out" Training (value $197)

Recorded Q&A Session with Zack (value $197)

BONUS #1: Tech Tour (value $97)

BONUS #2: Pitch Your Product Template (value $97)


Total Value = $882


Today's Price = $27




We hate unhappy money. If you are not satisfied with Launch Lab, you have 30 days after your purchase date to submit your refund to my support team at [email protected]. Heck! I'll even let you keep the slides & templates! Which means yes, you could totally rip me off here!

Let's recap EXACTLY what you'll walk away with!

When you join Launch Lab, you'll be given instant access to the perfect TOOLKIT to getting your digital product up and running in just a few weeks! Including...

  • "Millionaire Vision" Training: how to reverse engineer your digital product launch so you're not blindly launching just to produce revenue but instead get you closer to your biggest END GOAL.
  • "The Bulletproof Offer" Training: the ESSENTIAL ingredients needed to design a product that your future customer feels stupid for saying "no" to.
  • "Sorry We're Sold Out" Training: eliminate random "how-to" content and instead learn how to create demand & desire with your content that will ACTUALLY sell your sh*t.
  • Recorded Q&A Session with Zack: hear real-world examples across multiple topics such as creating products in a saturated market, finding your dream customer, selling on social, and more.
  • Detailed Tech Tour: learn the ins & outs of setting up your backend software that automates your waitlist of buyers and sales.
  • Pitch Your Product Template: Get the EXACT template I use to create a high-impact presentation that produces results for my customers and establishes massive credibility.

Everything you get when you join Launch Lab is over $800 worth of value and you can get started for just $27 today!

You've got questions? We got answers.



A virtual workshop teaching you our step-by-step formula to selling out your digital product so you can finally quit the hustle & chase for higher-paying clients or your money back!

Here's everything you get when you join:


"Millionaire Vision" Training (value $97)

"The Bulletproof Offer" Training (value $197)

"Sorry We're Sold Out" Training (value $197)

Recorded Q&A Session with Zack (value $197)

BONUS #1: Tech Tour (value $97)

BONUS #2: Pitch Your Product Template (value $97)


Total Value = $882


Today's Price = $27




We hate unhappy money. If you are not satisfied with Launch Lab, you have 30 days after your purchase date to submit your refund to my support team at [email protected]. Heck! I'll even let you keep the slides & templates! Which means yes, you could totally rip me off here!